Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fond Memories of Barrie School

I have been very fortunate to have spent some time at Barrie school.  It is here that I learned the true meaning of 'the discovery of the child.'  The teachers are advocates of Montessori education and the natural desire for learning.  I believe that the quality of education and time spent at school is usually reflected on the face of the student.  And in my memories are the radiant faces of Barrie students.

When I came to the lower school,  someone told me that the campus looked very beautiful then but it would not nearly be as pleasant during winter.  It stood true; came winter, all pretty leaves disappeared and one could only see tall trees meditating in deep cold.  However the cold days did not feel nearly as difficult because there was the warmth of loving teachers around.  I still remember the International Children's Day,  it was freezing cold but the joy of seeing young friends with so much enthusiasm kept me warm. 

Working with Cathy Carpenter and Ernestine McCoy was a great experience.  Some of my favorite moments spent at Barrie were the Army and Fife Musical Band performance,  International games festival,  playing birds in trees in the woods, study of trees especially the soil erosion study.  

Soil that was covered with tree parts like leaves, twigs, flowers remains intact

Soil without trees erodes

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