Monday, March 30, 2015

AMS Conference 2015 in Philadelphia

The Famous Class of 2010
I am so glad to be working at a school that holds AMS standards in high regard. We are the only school that may have shown full attendance at the conference.  We were all there from the Board members to the custodian.  Some people were amazed to hear that.

I really enjoyed this get away and met my good old colleagues, friends and mentors.  It was good to be there.

Ups and Downs but Teaching Continues.......

The 2 Grade class, that I taught in India for a year
After a long break I have taken much courage to write again.  It's been a tough set of last few years and we are back in DC, reliving our dream, through our current work.    
I must say that India is a tough place,  'in general. ' Although, I was born in India, now, I don't feel that I have to be back there to do any good.

I am teaching at a Montessori Public Charter School in Washington DC and am looking forward to sharing my moments of epiphany with you. 

This is a big deal for me to write again.